Bangalore University Hall Tickets 2017 I II III IV V VI Semester UG PG DDE CBCS Regular Correspondence Exam Hall Ticket 2017 PDF
Bangalore University Hall Ticket 2017: The Bangalore University, Karnataka has decided to conduct the semester (odd/ even) examination for all UG/ PG/ DDE courses. So just now they released the examination hall tickets on their official web portal. The 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year students who are all going to appear in the upcoming semester exam, must have to fetch the Bangalore University Exam Hall Ticket 2017 from the University site. Then only the examiner will permit you into the examination hall. Without admit card, you will not allow to write the exam.
The first year, second year, third year students from LLB/ B.Ed/ MCA/ MBA/ BBA/ BVOc/ BA/ BSc/ BHM/ BBM/ BCom/ ME/ BE/ MArch/ DCC & DE and other courses, can acquire your appropriate Bangalore University Exam Hall Ticket 2017 by entering the register number and DOB. After got the admit card, check whether all the essential details (student name, photo, signature, register number, paper name & code) are present in it or not. If any one of the info is not present in the Bangalore University Hall Ticket 2017, then contact the concerned person.
Bangalore University Distance Education Hall Tickets 2017

According to the examination wing of Bangalore University, the odd semester (I sem/ III sem/ V sem) has been conducted in the month of Nov/ Dec and even semester (II sem/ IV sem/ VI sem) has conducts in April/ May/ June month. Before going to organize the exam, the board will distribute the hall tickets for all affiliated colleges via online. At the same time, our examcore site members collect the Bangalore University Admit Card 2017 database from the University and posted the download link here. So you can easily fetch your require regular or phd entrance exam hall ticket from here. After successfully downloaded the full time or Bangalore University Correspondence Exam Hall Ticket 2017, keep it in a safe place. When going to appear in the exam, carry the admission tickets/ call letter with you. Otherwise, you will not be allow to attend the final exam. For more detailed information regarding CBCS/ RS Repeaters exam hall ticket, keep read this article fully. Otherwise, contact the concerned person in faculties of Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Physical Education and Law.
Now a day, lot of students do not know how to download the Bangalore University Hall Tickets 2017 through online. For those people's are advised to follow the under given instruction carefully or else visit the direct link which holds Bangalore University Exam Hall Ticket 2017. The admit card is attached in as pdf format. Then only the third party/ un-authorized person can not modify the content. So if you facing any trouble in viewing the Bangalore University (BU) Hall Ticket 2017, make sure did you have adobe reader or any other pdf s/w in your system.
- First logon the official University site i.e.
- Then search & click the link called "Examination --> Hall Tickets".
- It will redirect you to the admit card page.
- From there, choose the department, year, course and semester (1st sem/ 2nd sem/ 3rd sem/ 4th sem/ 5th sem/ 6th sem).
- Next it ask you to enter the register number.
- Once you submit the required details, then click the proceed button.
- At lastly, the Bangalore University Hall Ticket 2017 will download automatically in as pdf format.
- Take a print out of it for future use.
" For more additional information related to Bangalore University Examination 2017, follow us on our social media like FB, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn. "
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