University of Madras Timetable 2017 Exam Date 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Year UNOM Semester Exam Schedule 2017 PDF
Madras University Time Table 2017: The UNOM Time Table 2017 is now ready to download. The first year, second year, third/ final year students who are going to appear in the upcoming odd semester (Nov/ December) or even semester (April/ May) examination, must have to know the Exam Date 2017. So we recommended all you to download the University of Madras Exam Time Table 2017 from the official web site. Then follow the instruction which is available under the file. For more info. read this article fully.
Madras University Timetable 2017 are extremely important for a variety of reasons. After got the time table, the students have to ensure that no exam is scheduled at the same date & time. With the help of UNOM Exam Time Table 2017, you can allot the time during preparation periods and start your preparation collaborate with your colleagues. NOTE: The UG time table and PG time table was separately attached in as pdf format. So before going to fetch the Madras University MBA Exam Time Table 2017, install required s/w.
University of Madras IDE Timetable 2017

The University of Madras (UNOM) is a public state university in Chennai (formerly Madras), Tamil Nadu. They going to organize the semester (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th sem) examination for all courses such as B.A./ B.Lit./ B.Sc. (VISCOM & ISM)/ B.M.M./ B.Nat./ B.Music/ B.Com. (Hons & CS)/ B.B.A./ B.C.A./ L.L.B./ B.Lis./ M.A./ M.Music/ M.Com./ M.Sc./ M.B.A./ M.C.A./ M.Sc. (IT)/ M.S.W./ M.Lis./ CERT/ M.Phil./ Diploma/ PG Diploma and other certificate courses. So they recently released the examination Timetable on their official web portal. You can know the exam date by acquire the Madras University Date Sheet 2017. Once you got the exam schedule, make a proper fixture for preparation. It help to eliminate the wastage of time and also cover the whole syllabus before the end of time. If you do not know how to download the semester exam time table for English/ Tamil medium, then follow the process which is given under below. The available procedure will help you to acquire the regular or ideunom Timetable 2017 separately.
If the examination time table holds any overlapping, then the UNOM will re-schedule the exam date and published on same link. But it happen rarely. If suppose the board will changed the exam date means, we will be intimate that on our examcore site. You can fetch the Madras University Revised Time Table 2017 from here. For further latest updates related to the UG, PG or Madras University Distance Education Timetable 2017, bookmark our webpage and keep touch with us or else follow us on our social media.
- Check in the official website of UNOM i.e.
- Then find & visit the appropriate link called Examination --> Time Table.
- It shows the recently uploaded internal date sheet as course wise and faculty wise (Tamil/ English/ Commerce/ Management Studies/ Psychology/ Computer Science/ Journalism & Communication).
- Select the course which you pursuing and click over it.
- Then it will open the overall file in google pdf viewer for all year (1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year & 4th year).
- Next click the printer icon located at the right top corner of the page and take a print out.
" If any error occurs in the Madras University Exam Schedule 2017, then immediately contact the concerned person. They will rectify the bugs and solve it shortly. "
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- UNOM Hall Ticket 2017
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