BTER Diploma Results 2017 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Semester Board Of Technical Education Jodhpur Poly Exam Result 2017
BTER Diploma Result 2017: The Board of Technical Education, Rajasthan was going to announce the results for recently organized semester examination. The first year/ second year/ third year/ final year students who are all appeared in the odd/ even sem which was recently conducted by the board, can check the BTER Polytechnic Result 2017 as name wise from the official website. At the same time you can also know your required exam results from here.
According to the rules and regulation of BTER, the odd sem (1 semester/ 3 semester/ 5 semester) and even semester (2 semester/ 4 semester/ 6 semester) has been conducting twice a year. After conducted the exam, they will validate the paper and published the BTER result separately as Practical/ Practical Training/ SCA/ Project & Consolidated Sessional marks. Once you got the BTER Diploma Results 2017, check all the essential details of you.
BTER Jodhpur Diploma Result 2017 - RTI - Special - Non-Engineering

Some of the people who do not know how to check the BTER Result 2017 through online, please read this article carefully. Here, we provides the information only when & where the BTER 2017 diploma/ polytechnic result published. So any error occurs in the result data, we are not responsible. Our team members working hard to provides the BTER Diploma Exam Result 2017 separately as course wise/ name wise and semester wise. Some more modifications are remaining to modify. If we completed all the modification, then you can easily know your required BTER Non Engineering Results 2017 from here. The result will appear after entered the valid register/ hall ticket number in the available text box. If the BTER Poly Result 2017 is visible on screen means, first check register number and total marks. Sometimes, the online publication of results will hold mismatch in it.
If you got any backlogs in the examination, you can apply for revaluation/ retotaling by submitting the retotaling application form. After few weeks, BTER Diploma Retotaling Result 2017 will be announced on same link. You can also check it by the same way which you following for regular result. To know more detailed information about the revaluation/ retotaling/ special/ lateral result, then bookmark our webpage and keep visiting here.
Name of the Board: Board of Technical Education
Location: Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Year: 1st year/ 2nd year/ 3rd year/ 4th year
Departments: Civil/ Computer Science/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics
"If you have any queries related to Engineering/ Non-Engineering RTI result 2017, then contact the concerned person of BTER. They will be clarify the query and help you to solve it."
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