SUK Exam Timetable 2017 Download Sem I II III IV V VI UG PG Diploma Shivaji University Final Programme Exam Schedule 2017 PDF
Shivaji University Time Table 2017: The Board of Examination (BoE), Shivaji University was planned to organize the semester examination (Sem I/ Sem II/ Sem III/ Sem IV/ Sem V/ Sem VI) for all Regular, CBCS, and Distance Education courses. So now they scheduling the exam date without any overlapping between regular & arrears exam. If they completed the scheduling process, then the Unishivaji Timetable 2017 will be published on University site.
You can also know the upcoming semester exam date by downloading the SUK Exam Timetable 2017 from our examcore site. Here, we attached the Unishivaji Time Table 2017 separately as Part I/ Part II/ Part III. So without any confusion you can easily fetch your required date sheet from here. If you feel any inconvenient to find the valid download link of Shivaji University Exam Schedule 2017, then follow us on our social media like FB, Google+.
Shivaji University Kolhapur Time Table 2017 Download

Once you successfully downloaded the Shivaji University Exam Time Table 2017, make a proper schedule based on the exam date and prepare well. Then only you can easily cover whole syllabus within the given time. Without any schedule, you can not complete the preparation and also get a chance to get low mark. So don't be careless. The regular and Shivaji University Distance Education Time Table 2017 P I/ P II/ P III was attached in as pdf format. So before going to fetch the date sheet, make sure did you have adobe reader on your pc. If you do not have the required s/w, then download it from any registered site and install it on your system. If any unavoidable situation occurs in the exam date, the board reschedule the regular and pre-examination schedule and published the revised timetable for final programme on same link. To know more detailed information related to the Unishivaji Examination 2017, stay tuned with our recognized website.
Draft/ Final Programs (Time Table) of Examination to be Held in 2017
- To know the Shivaji University Exam Date 2017, you have to visit the official University site i.e.
- Then find & go to Examination Schedule from Examination Section.
- Inside the page, choose and click your required time table as course wise.
- It will redirect you to the download page.
- From there, click over the link.
- It will automatically download in as pdf format.
- Take a print out of date sheet for further reference.
Offered Courses:
- B.C.S./ M.S.W./ M.Sc./ B.Com./ B.D.S./ B.E./ B.A./ B.Ed./ B.B.A./ M.C.A./ M.Com./ M.E./ B.C.A./ B.H.M.S./ B.Lib./ B.Pharm./ B.S.W./ B.Sc./ B.Tech./ M.B.A./ M.A./ M.Ed./ M.Tech./ M.Library./ M.Pharm./ L.L.B. (Three Year Law/ Five Year Law) and other Two Year Course.
University Name: Shivaji University, Kolhapur (SUK)
Department: Arts/ Law/ Engineering/ Science/ Education and Technology
Semester: Odd (Sem 1/ Sem 3/ Sem 5) | Even (Sem 2/ Sem 4/ Sem 6)
Month: March/ April/ May | Nov/ Dec
"If you facing any trouble while downloading Shivaji University Exam Time Table 2017, then we are not responsible. Here, we provides only the information regarding exam date."
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