HSBTE Polytechnic Result 2017 1st 2nd 3rd Year Online ReChecking Revaluation Results 2017 @ hsbte.org.in
HSBTE Polytechnic Result 2017: The HSBTE Result 2017 was now declared online. The most awaited diploma/ polytechnic result of Haryana state was just now announced by the state govt. on their official site. The students who eagerly waiting to know their HSBTE Diploma Result 2017, are encouraged to visit the official web portal or else go through this article fully. Here, we provides the rechecking/ revaluation/ supply result link from direct site.
The Haryana State Board of Technical Education conducts the final exams in semester wise format and they are responsible for organizing the exams and declaring the result. The 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year students who are all appeared in HSBTE Polytechnic Exam 2017, can check their HSBTE Diploma Result 2017 from here. The result has been published for all IT, CSE, EEE, ECE, Civil and Mechanical courses on HSBTE official website (www.hsbte.com).
HSBTE ReChecking Result 2017 @ CSE - EEE - IT - ECE - Civil

The Civil/ IT/ECE/ Mechanical Engineering/ CSE/ EEE students can easily check their HSBTE Result Nov Dec 2017 or HSBTE Result May June 2017 from here, because in our webpage we provides only the right details regarding HSBTE 2017. To know the result, the candidates need to enter the required information like register/ hall ticket number and date of birth. After any examination which is conducted by the HSBTE, you can see the results from our examcore site. Based on COE of HSBTE, the odd semester (Sem I, Sem III, Sem IV) and even semester (Sem II, Sem IV, Sem VI) has been conducting in the month of Nov/ December & May/ June respectively. After successfully conducted the exam, they were validate the paper with the help of faculties and released the results through their web portal. To know detailed information about the regular or HSBTE Revaluation Result 2017 by stay tuned with us.
The people who were appeared in 2nd semester/ 4th semester/ 6th semester exam, can check their HSBTE Exam Result 2017 from here. Then the students who are all appeared in 1st semester/ 3rd semester/ 5th semester, they can also be waiting for their result. The declare date of recently organized exam will be announced later. So we advised the people to keep touch with us to know the latest updates about the HSBTE Haryana Result 2017.
Name of the Board: Haryana State Board of Technical Education (HSBTE)
Year: First year/ Second year/ Third year
Semester: 1st sem/ 2nd sem/ 3rd sem/ 4th sem/ 5th sem/ 6th sem
Site: hsbte.org.in
"We only provides the information regarding HSBTE Result 2017. So if any error occurs, we are not responsible. In that situation you have to contact the official board."
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