Sarguja University Time Table 2017 Download PDF 1st 2nd 3rd Year Part One Two Three Sarguja University Exam Timetable 2017
Sarguja University Time Table 2017: The controller of examination, Sarguja University was going to organize the exam. Now they scheduling the exam date for all theory and practical. If they completely scheduled the exam date without any overlapping between regular/ arrears exam, then they will released the Sarguja University exam time table 2017 on their official site. You can check the it by visiting the under attached direct link.
The available Sarguja University Exam Timetable 2017 includes exam date, time, paper name, code and some other instruction for candidates. After downloaded the exam date sheet, make a proper schedule based on the exam date and prepare well. If you follow these process, then you will definitely cover all portion within the given time. So first download the regular or Sarguja University private exam time table 2017 from any recognized site.
Sarguja University Ambikapur Time Table 2017 | Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

The timetable is now scheduled and published for only M.A. (Functional Hindi), L.L.M.(Human Rights), M.Sc. (Farm-Forestry/ Biotechnology/ Environmental Science), Diploma in Pharmacy, M.Tech., B.B.A., B.Com., L.L.B., B.A., B.Sc., D.C.A., M.Com., B.E. courses. For remaining programmes have to wait. Some more modifications are there in Sarguja University exam date 2017. If they completed the changes, then the time table for all stream will be declared. To know the exact date of time table publication, bookmark and keep watching our webpage regularly. Here, we posted the SUA regular time table and Sarguja University supply time table 2017 separately. So without any confusion you can easily know the exam date of upcoming semester (Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester IV, Semester V, Semester VI, Semester VII, Semester VIII). For more details, keep read this article fully.
Now a day’s lot of First, Second, Third, Final year students do not know how to download the time table of 2 year/ 10+2+3 (3YDC) course through online. For those people are advised to logon the official University site ( and find the examination tab. Inside it, you can see the link called SUA Time Table 2017. Next choose the department, year and courses which you pursuing. Finally, it will show the appropriate exam schedule.
Name of the University: Sarguja University (SU)
Location: Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh
Year: 1st year/ 2nd year/ 3rd year/ 4th year
Semester: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Semester
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