BTER Diploma Time Table 2018 @ 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Semester Exam Timetable 2018
BTER Polytechnic Time Table 2018: The examination date sheet for Engineering/ Non-Engineering and Paramedical courses is now available to download. The first year, second year and third/ final year students who looking to know the BTER Diploma Exam Date 2018, please check the exam schedule which is available in the official web portal (
The BTER Polytechnic Time Table 2018 will be available in as pdf format. So before going to download the date sheet, make sure did you have adobe reader in your system. Otherwise download the required s/w and install it and then open the BTER Diploma Time Table 2018. If you have any queries related to the examination date, contact the concerned person.
BTER Jodhpur Polytechnic Exam Date 2018 | Regular & Special

Based on the examination wing of BTE Rajasthan, the odd semester (1st semester/ 3rd semester/ 5th semester) and even semester (2nd semester/ 4th semester/ 6th semester) has been conducting in the month of Nov/ December and April/ May respectively. Before going to organize the exam, the board will release the exam date on their official site without any overlapping between regular and arrears exam. If any mismatch occurs in the exam date, then they re-scheduled the date and re-published it on same link. The same way BTER Diploma Exam Time Table 2018 was declared in the recognized site. To download it, you have to select the department, courses, year in the available drop down list. If your preferred stream is not available in the list, then you have to wait for few more days. The board has uploading the BTER Exam Schedule 2018 one by one. For further updates, follow us on our social media like Facebook, Twitter or Google+.
There are lot of students from EF, CS, IE, EE, EL, CP, ME, CH, IT, MA, TE, AR, CE, CC, BT, PR, MP, MR, PL do not know how to check the exam date and download the BTER Jodhpur Polytechnic Exam Time Table 2018 through online. For those kind of person are recommended to follow the instruction which is discussed in our secure website.
Board of the Name: Board of Technical Education Rajasthan (BTER), Jodhpur
Year: 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year
Courses: Engineering/ Non-Engineering & Paramedical
"If you facing any issues while downloading BTER Diploma Exam Date Sheet 2018, we are not responsible. In that situation you have to contact the concerned person of your college."
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