JNVU Result 2018 UG PG Jai Narain Vyas University Degree Exam Result 2018 First Second Third/ Final Year
JNVU Result 2018: The most awaited semester/ annual examination result of UG, PG, Diploma, Certificate courses is now declared. The 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year students who looking to know the JNVU exam result 2018, please check the official University site. By entering the hall ticket number, you can easily get the Jai Nrayan Vyas University result 2018 with marks.
The students from B.Com, BVA, BA (General/ Hons), B.Sc, MIB, MFC, LLB, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, B.Ed, B.Tech, MCA, MBA, M.Phil, M.P.Ed, MHRM, LLM, BCA, BBA, MJMC who appeared in the recently organized exam, can check their JNVU examination result 2018 from the below attached node. The under link will redirect you to the appropriate JNVU online result 2018 page.
Jai Narain Vyas University Exam Results 2018

There are lot of students are appeared in the recently organized odd/ even semester exam. Now they are waiting to know the JNVU Results 2018. Those people are recommended to check the www.jnvu.edu.in site. At the same time we also collect the result database from the University and uploaded here. So you can easily know your required JNVU jodhpur exam result 2018 from our examcore site. If you got fail in the examination, you can apply for revaluation. Then the reval result will be announced after a weak. Similarly, this time the University was released the JNVU revaluation result 2018 along with JNVU supplementary result 2018. So without any confusion you can easily know your required part 1, part 2, part 3 regular/ private exam result. To know more details, keep watching our webpage regularly.
When going to check the JNVU b.ed result 2018, you have to choose the department, year and courses in the drop down list. If the stream which you looking for is not present in the list, then wait for few more days. The University has uploading the JNVU jodhpur result 2018 one by one as course wise. So it takes some time to complete. For further updates, stay tuned with us.
University Name: Jai Narain Vyas University (JNVU)
Location: Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Year: First year, Second year and Third/ Final year
Semester: 1st sem, 2nd sem, 3rd sem, 4th sem, 5th sem, 6th sem
Site: www.jnvu.edu.in
"For any query related to regular/ revaluation result, aspirants are advice to contact helpline no. 0291-2635091 (between 11 am to 5 pm) in working days or E-mail: jnvucare@gmail.com."
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